Our Team


officer spielman

Officer Spielman has been a Police Officer with the Anaheim Police Department for 21+ years. Prior to that he spent 6 years at APD as a non-sworn employee. He became a motor officer over 17 years ago. Over 12 years ago he became a motor instructor. Officer Spielman loves the freedom and the technical skills required in being a motor cop. He enjoys teaching other officers how to become safe and proficient motor officers. Officer Spielman also plays a huge role in educating the public on different facets of traffic safety. He is a Certified Car Seat Technician and the Traffic Bureau’s spokesman on the Ask A Motor Cop Facebook live videos.


officer anderson

Officer Anderson has been an Anaheim Police Officer for 30+ years. He spent the last 20+ years as a motor officer. He became a motor instructor over 15 years ago, making him the senior motor instructor. Officer Anderson likes being a motor cop because of the opportunity it’s given him to make over 35 thousand friends (tickets). He is a Certified Car Seat Technician and is known as the baby whisperer at the Car Seat Check-Up events.